Google Core Web Vitals Optimization Services

Is your Google Core Web Vitals score affecting your user experience & SEO? We’ll help you land higher scores with speeds faster than your competitors.

  • 2000+ Websites Optimized
  • Core Web Vitals and User / Page Experience audits
  • Boosts Loading Speed & User Interaction
  • 10 Years of experience in Web Page speed optimization
  • Fluency in all major web languages, frameworks, and CMS, including WordPress, Shopify, Magento, etc.
Fix Your Google Core Web Vitals »

What’s Included in Core Web Vitals Optimization?

With 10+ years of web development and SEO experience, Prospeedguy has the knowledge, resources, and technical chops you need to improve your Google Core Web Vitals score and take your website’s performance to the next level.

As a first phase, we will do a Google Core Web Vitals Score Audits. In my supervision, our SEO team will fully audit your Google Core Web Vitals score and other performance metrics. In 2021, Google implemented a major Google algorithm update known as the Core Web Vitals update, while providing webmasters and web developers with several related tools. These tools provide real-world performance metrics for your website and insight into the technical nuances of how Google evaluates user experience, which they call Page Experience. Page Experience, determined algorithmically by Google, is now a more significant ranking factor than ever. Our team will take an in-depth review of your Google Core Web Vitals score and other metrics, and develop a plan to address any issues identified. Execution of these strategies improves not just user experience, but your website’s ability to rank in search engines, especially when part of a larger SEO campaign.

Later on, we will move on to check and fix LCP, FCP, FID and CLS.

#LCP #largestcontentfulpaint

#FCP #firstcontentfulpainttime

#FID #firstInputdelay

#CLS #cumulativelayoutshift

Here are our recently optimized Core Web Vitals scores.

Zero Downtime

Instant Load

100% Secured

Improve Ranking

Hassle-Free Support


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5 star rating
I used WordPress Speed Optimization Service and which is 110% trustworthy. I’m really impressed, my website was a mess but Hafiz was great and I got an excellent result. I volunteered to give this review and asked Hafiz to send me a link to where I could write it.
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I spent hours online researching who to hire to care for my website. I picked them and I just love working with them! They truly care for my site and have outstanding customer service. I highly recommend them to everyone!
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In the last 60+ days, there hasn’t been a single failed response or issue not taken care of. Incredible customer service every step of the way. They always say they have your back and it really feels like it! Thanks We love you all!

We Can Optimize Your
Core Web Vitals In Only 2-3 Months.



900 USD

1000 USD

Guaranteed 90% Poor URLs & Core Web Vitals Fixed on GSC. 

Guaranteed Core Web Vitals Assessment: Passed 

90+ Google Desktop Speed Test 

90+ Google Mobile Speed Test 

Minimum A Grade with all Web Vitals green on Gtmetrix 

Same design and functionality

Detailed SEO Audit Report

Premium Plugin For Life Time



1000 USD

1200 USD

Guaranteed 90% Poor URLs & Core Web Vitals Fixed on GSC. 

Guaranteed Core Web Vitals Assessment: Passed 

90+ Google Desktop Speed Test 

90+ Google Mobile Speed Test 

Upto 2 secs Load time on Gtmetrix

It May require design and functionality change

Detailed SEO Audit Report

30 days of FREE support



1200 USD

1500 USD

All PHP CMS and Frameworks

Guaranteed Core Web Vitals Assessment: Passed

Minimum A Grade with all Web Vitals green on Gtmetrix 

90+ Google Desktop Speed Test 

90+ Google Mobile Speed Test 

Upto 2 secs Load time on Gtmetrix

Same design and functionality

Detailed SEO Audit Report



WordPress Maintenance

(Applicable within 30 Days After Optimization)


Shopify Maintenance

(Applicable within 30 Days After Optimization)


Other Websites Maintenance

(Applicable within 30 Days After Optimization)


Google Core Web Vitals FAQS

Core Web Vitals refers to a tool and reporting section available across many Google platforms, most notably Google Search Console. The term Core Web Vitals refers to the most important aspects of the “vital” web metrics Google uses to perceive the overall user experience of your website. The Core Web Vitals focus on three broad aspects: loading time, interactivity, and visual stability.

There is a virtually infinite amount of variables that can affect your Core Web Vitals score. Every website is different. Sometimes, something as simple as removing a clunky plugin can make a huge impact, other times the amount of work required can become so extensive that it makes more sense to build a new website. To maximize your efforts and get the best ROI on the resources spent improving your score, you should work with a professional website design and development team that has experience with technical SEO. Hint: Contact Prospeedguy today to discuss your website’s Core Web Vitals score!

Your Core Web Vitals score is more than just an arbitrary number from Google. Understanding why Google prefers websites that put a focus on user-experience is a no-brainer. Since people prefer websites that load quickly and are easy to use, Google uses your Core Web Vitals score as part of its ranking algorithm. If you think your website is performing well, but your Core Web Vitals score is poor, you aren’t just missing out on potential conversions from the existing traffic on your site…you’re losing organic traffic directly to your competitors.

This is pretty straight forward you can veiw your Core Web Vitals score in Search Console or read more about available Core Web Vitals tools at

This update technically already happened as part of a major Google algorithm update in 2021, but per Google the metrics used will always evolve. This is a great example of why  working with an SEO agency can be so beneficial as they stay up-to-date with changing industry guidelines and trends on your behalf. Read the Publicly Available Web Vitals Change-log provided by Google.

Questions before ordering

For questions before ordering email or submit a free site speed audit request and one of the team will get back to you usually within 1 business day or so.