Honestly…there are only 4 good ones (ShortPixel, WP Compress, LiteSpeed Cache Plugin, and Imagify). The rest are junk to me. Either poor compression quality, lack of features, hard to use, or don’t offer anything unique that these 3 don’t already do.

Let’s go over them!

Current WordPress image compression market

Image compression seems to be a “cheap business” venture for many plugin developers. Simply copy whatever open-source image compression algorithm out there and sell it at a monthly/yearly subscription. It’s all the rage and for as long as you’re helping users, everyone will be happy. The service is easy enough to implement and despite the abundance of image compression plugins out there, the market is still “under-served” (many sites still not optimizing their images).

The only turnoff for me is that many of the compression plugins act like they’re the best when the numbers show me that they aren’t. I’m extremely against gimmicky marketing and roll my eyes when I see another copycat plugin on there. Being that I speed-optimize WordPress sites for hundreds of clients every month, it’s my business to know which image compression truly is the best.

First choice – ShortPixel (PAID, but free for 100/month)

  • Better compression rates, offers WebP format, offers GLOSSY format (high quality compression for photographers), good pricing. This is my default go-to if you need serious compression. Try their (free) compression test.
  • Get ShortPixel

Second choice – WP Compress (PAID)

  • Excellent ratio, super small file sizes, and very sharp. If anything, sometimes even sharper than the original.
  • Get WP Compress

Third choice – LiteSpeed Cache plugin (FREE)

  • Super awesome free service. Can do unlimited images but your available quota starts small and increases slowly with each (batch) optimization request.
  • Incredible option to optimize tons of images for free.
  • Get LiteSpeed Cache plugin

Fourth choice – Imagify

  • Another high-end image plugin that was formerly the first place. High quality and fair pricing.
  • Some compression settings may be better than ShortPixel. Very easy to use. From the creators of the highly-acclaimed WP Rocket cache plugin.
  • I’m starting to hate it. Several client sites running slow with it on! 8/24/18

What about the others?

  • EWWW, WP Smush, Kraken, etc…. they are not as good IMO. You get uglier images with artifacts and/or the image size is not as small. Ugly UI and also difficult to use. Some are also bloated. With that said, some clients actually like them!
  • EWWW – leaves settings/items in your database when you install.

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